LCB the Charity

London Community Boxing is a registered charity – number 1152348.

Our charitable objects for the public benefit are the promotion of community participation in healthy recreation, in particular by the provision of facilities for amateur boxing and boxing fitness training in London.

Our mission in executing these objects is to harness the power of sport as a driver of personal and community advancement. In this way, we will accomplish

our vision, of:

  • increasing social cohesion and integration by bringing together people of all ages, abilities and backgrounds in a common pursuit;
  • engaging the most vulnerable and marginalised parts of society;  and
  • improving health and fitness; building confidence, discipline and life skills; and improving prospects for further training and employment beyond the sport.

Working with partner organisations within the voluntary, sporting, public and private sectors, we strive to tackle issues related to high deprivation, low participation, lack of coaches and club networks, and low levels of volunteering. We seek to increase sporting participation, particularly in boxing and boxing fitness, help create sustained sporting habits among individuals of all backgrounds, and do our part to improve sporting infrastructure. We want all our activities to be welcoming to everyone, regardless of gender, age, and ability.

LCB is also committed, in partnership with like-minded organisations, to provide additional resources where there is a need, particularly in the domain of further educational qualifications and employability-building activities. In this way, we believe that sport can become a powerful pathway to both personal and community development.